The Heartist Artist on Primitives (collect for free, trade at a low cost if you’re early, connect with me under a chat with other collectors and keep up my artistic journey)

The Heartist Artist on Foster Marketplace (Invest in 1:1 art, or my Scribble Heads)

Everything from here down is no longer active, but that does not mean the assets, or my art, is worth 0.
I leave these links for the collectors that have supported me over the years, and as a testament of where I’ve been and what I’ve done. Have fun exploring!

The Scribble Heads S1 was the very first collection in my web3 journey. It celebrates the notion that, it’s okay to not be okay, that it’s okay to feel scribbly. Since then, it has become my style of choice for self-expression and means of catharsis.

Solana - The Scribble Heads

Cardano - The Scribble Heads S3

Polygon - The Scribble Heads

More Collections Across Web3

These links consist of ALL my art across Web3. If you’re a true art lover, then you’ll have a lot of fun exploring these galleries! (Have you purchased an NFT? Share it with me on X! I would love to celebrate with you.)


Art on Solana (Heartist Artist + Mr. Scribbles, all 1:1s, new art weekly)

Art on Solana (Editions, Exchange Art)

CARDANO (first two links consist of the most current and updated collections, or art that is minted weekly/monthly):

Art on Cardano (Heartist Artist)

Art on Cardano (Mr.Scribbles)

Art on Cardano (Genesis, Locked Policies)

Art on Cardano (Seasonal, Inktober, Xmas)

Art on Cardano (PFPs)


Art on Polygon

(scribble heads, ink, scribble nudes, western, noir)


Art on Tezos

(digital art, traditional art)